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Fluke-787B Compteur de processus
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1 495,00 €
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La description
Fluke-787B ProcessMeter
Plus d'information
- FLU601037
- 00095969819930
- Digital
Analogue bar graph display
- No
Multiple display
- Yes
Voltage output 0 mV ... 100 mV
- No
Voltage output 0 V ... +/- 300 mV
- No
Voltage output 0 V ... 3 V
- No
Voltage output 0 V ... 10 V
- No
Voltage output 0 V ... 15 V
- No
Output current 0 mA ... 24 mA
- Yes
Lowest resolution current output
- 0.001 mA
Power sink (transmitter simulator) 0 mA ... 24 mA
- Yes
Lowest resolution power sink
- 0.001 mA
Resistor output
- No
Thermal element type J
- No
Thermal element type K
- No
Thermal element type T
- No
Thermal element type E
- No
Thermal element type R
- No
Thermal element type S
- No
Thermal element type B
- No
Thermal element type L
- No
Thermal element type U
- No
Thermal element type N
- No
Thermal element RTD
- No
Thermal element RTD Pt100
- No
Thermal element RTD Pt1000
- No
Thermal element RTD Ni100
- No
Thermal element RTD Ni1000
- No
Frequency and pulse groups encoding
- No
Pressure measurement
- No
Give pressure (external pressure pump)
- No
Ramp and stair function
- Yes
Simultaneous measuring and encoding
- No
Lowest resolution, AC voltage
- 0.001 mV
Lowest resolution, DC voltage
- 0.001 mV
Max. current measuring range, AC
- 1 A
Lowest resolution, AC current
- 1 µA
Lowest resolution, resistance
- 0.1 Ohm
True RMS measurement
- Yes
Measured value memory
- No
- Yes
Calibration software
- No
Number of channels
- 1
Max. resistance measuring range
- 40000000 Ohm
Max. voltage measuring range, DC
- 1000 V
Max. current measuring range, DC
- 1 A